This is a guide to rental houses in Gacharage, Ruaka.
It’s perfect for those who are clueless about finding affordable houses in Gacharage Junction and want to steer clear of fake agents.
If this sounds like you, don’t worry. I will show you where to find affordable single rooms, double rooms, bedsitters, 1 (one), 2 (two), and 3 (three) bedroom houses in Gacharage, Ruaka.
I’ll also tell you what kind of businesses you can set up here.
Say, for example, you want a Ksh. 8,000 bedsitter. Use this guide to identify the places that have a bedsitter going for Ksh. 8,000 or less, then go there and see if one is vacant. Or send someone to check for you.
Please note that all prices are in Kenya Shillings (Ksh.) per month.
I’ll show you where to find:
•Single rooms 4,000
•Bedsitters 6,500
•1 bedroom 13,000
Is Gacharage a good place to live?
Before we dive into places where you’ll find affordable rental houses, let’s take a closer look at Gacharage.
How is life in Gacharage?
Because the rent you’ll pay is one piece of the puzzle.
You should also take into account daily fare, commuting time, food prices, water availability, and security.
So what is it like living there? And is it a good fit for you? Let’s find out.
This is what to expect when you relocate to Gacharage.
Where is Gacharage Junction located?
Gacharage Junction is located along Limuru Road in Ruaka town before you reach Ndenderu.
Distance from Gacharage to Nairobi CBD
The distance from Gacharage Junction to Koja stage in Nairobi via Limuru Road is 14.9 km.
Where do I board matatu to Gacharage?
The Gacharage matatu stage in Nairobi is located at Koja stage along Tom Mboya Street near the fire station.
You can also board at the lower side of Latema Road near River Road.
Fare from Nairobi CBD to Gacharage Junction
Ksh 80.
Let’s do the math. If you commute daily to town in the morning and get back in the evening, this is what your budget will look like.
(80×2) x 5 days = 800
800 x 4 weeks = 3,200
In addition to rent, you’ll spend approximately Ksh 3,200 in fares per month if you decide to live in Gacharage.
Traffic jam pain points
You will experience traffic jams at Gigiri UN, and after Two Rivers Mall as you enter Ruaka town.
If you are heading to Nairobi, the Globe Roundabout is also notorious for traffic snarl-ups.
Water availability
I talked to 10 residents about water availability in Gacharage.
9 out of 10 said they had water throughout.
Verdict: You are unlikely to face water challenges here at Gacharage.
Food prices in Gacharage
6 of the 10 people I talked to said that food prices in Gacharage are average.
The remaining 4 said food prices here are high.
Is Gacharage safe?
So far in 2024, there have been 2 cases of insecurity in Gacharage reported in the media, here, and here.
What about unreported cases?
For the unreported cases, I talked to the residents.
They said there were many cases of insecurity, with thieves snatching mobile phones.
They however said those thieves do not break into shops or residential houses, they are only active at the town center.
Why residents love Gacharage
“Affordable houses.”
“It’s not congested.”
“No water challenges.”
What residents don’t like about Gacharage
“Too many pubs.”
“The town is not growing due to deep-rooted alcoholism.”
“Pockets of insecurity.”
Business ideas
If you’re thinking of setting up a business in Gacharage Junction, think of the following:
•Grocery store
•Small hotel
Places you’ll find affordable rental houses in Gacharage Junction
Gacharage is on the upper side of Ruaka, on your way to Ndenderu.
It’s a good place to search for a house if you can’t find one at Ruaka town center.
It’s lined up with very many expensive apartments on either side. But I will show you where to find affordable houses.
Without further ado, let’s dive straight in. Please note that all prices are in Kenya Shillings (Ksh.) per month.
Let’s start this guide at the Decimo area, directly opposite Club Decimo.
Rental houses at Decimal, Ruaka

This is the road that leads to St. Peter & Ann Medical Centre. Follow it until you reach the hospital. Just opposite the hospital, there are:
•Double rooms 8,200
Turn left then right at J&J Apartments. Follow that inner road to the end. You will find:
•Single rooms 5,000
•Bedsitters 6,500 ; 10,000
Back to Limuru Road, a little ahead before the carwash. Turn to your left. You’ll find:
•1 bedroom 15,000
•2 bedroom 18,000

Then right after carwash.

Starting with (A):
•Bedsitters 8,000
•1 bedroom 17,000
And (B) marked Lane 26:
•Plenty of bedsitters 12,000
Rental houses at Gacharage Junction
Proceed to Gacharage Junction just before Total petrol station. Turn to your left and follow the inner road.
Along this lane you will find:
•Single rooms 4,500
•Lots of bedsitters 10,000

Proceed to the center of the junction.

On your left (A) is the road heading to Gachie. You will find:
•Lots of bedsitters 7,500 ; 9,000 ; 11,000
•1 bedroom 15,000
Follow the road (B) and you’ll find:
•Single rooms 4,200
Back to Limuru Road, just before New Rumenye Restaurant.

Turn to your left, and follow the road to the end. There you’ll find:
•Bedsitters 8,000
And then just a few steps ahead, on your left.

You’ll find:
•1 bedroom 17,000
•2 bedroom 20,000
And then, on the opposite side of the highway, turn to your right.

This area has many houses:
•Single rooms 4,000
•Bedsitters 8,000 ; 9,000 ; 10,000
•1 bedroom 13,000
•2 bedroom 22,000
That’s all there is to this guide to rental houses in Gacharage. I hope it has been helpful.
See the kind of life you will find in Ndenderu.