Between Ngara and South B, which is the best place to stay near the CBD?
If you’re looking for a single room, bedsitter, 1 (one), 2 (two), or 3 (three) bedroom house that is near the Nairobi CBD, this is for you.
In this post, I compare factors like security, water availability, food prices, and more, to help you make an informed decision.
Let’s dive in.
Despite its significance, the security of a place is commonly ignored when searching for a rental house, yet it should be the top priority.
Because without good security, everything else doesn’t matter. Losing your mobile phone or house belongings to thieves frequently will definitely hinder your progress.
Now, half of the 10 people I talked to said Ngara is safe, apart from a few cases of mobile phone snatchings by thieves on bodaboda.
For South B, the upper part which has gated estates is safe.
The area where you will find affordable houses is not that secure because it borders Mukuru Kayaba, which itself is a high-risk area.
Criminals from Mukuru infiltrate Hazina to commit crimes.
Security-wise, the winner is Ngara. Not completely safe, but it’s better.
Fares from Nairobi CBD
This is the first thing that most people consider when searching for a house. You’ll hear someone ask, “Fare ni how much?” (How much is the fare?).
So here are the fares:
From Ngara Equity stage to town in the morning is Ksh. 50.
From South B Shopping Center to town in the morning rush hour is Ksh. 50.
The fare is the same in the evening.
During off-peak hours you’ll pay Ksh.30 for South B and Ksh. 40/50 for Ngara.
Off-peak fares for South B are cheaper, even if it’s by a Ksh.10 margin.
Walking as an alternative
Both Ngara and South B are popular residential areas since one can opt to walk if they don’t have money to pay the fare.
Walking to town isn’t entirely free — even if you don’t spend money, you’ll still spend time. So, how much time will you spend walking?
I walked from Equity Ngara to the Kenya National Archives, using the route that crosses the Nairobi River and through Accra Road. It took me exactly 10 minutes.
I also walked from South B Shopping Center to the Kenya National Archives through the Railways Footbridge, Haile Selassie Avenue, and Moi Avenue. It took me 35 minutes.
Ngara is the clear winner when it comes to walking to work.
Water availability
Another aspect to consider is the availability of water.
In my research, I discovered that affordable housing areas in South B experience water challenges.
The stretch of houses from Huda Integrated School, all the way to Naivas is lined up with yellow jerricans as residents wait to buy fresh water.
Because although there are boreholes sunk in the area, the water is salty. And not everyone is near the borehole.
In Ngara, 5 of the 10 people I talked to said they had challenges with water availability, compared to 3 in South B.
In terms of water availability, South B is a better place. You are more likely to have water challenges in Ngara than in South B.
Market food prices
What are the residents’ opinions on the cost of groceries?
In Ngara, the majority said they find them average-priced.
In South B, the majority said they are low to average.
The winner here is South B because most of the foodstuff is sourced from the Mukuru market which is cheap.
Below is a detailed analysis of each town, including locations where you’ll find affordable rental houses.
Compare the two and decide for yourself.
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