If you’ve just secured a job or internship at or around TRM, congratulations!
Here are the best nearby places where you’ll find affordable single rooms, double rooms, bedsitters, 1 (one), 2 (two), and 3 (three) bedroom houses.
I’ll show you where to find:
•Single rooms 3,000
•Double room 6,500
•Bedsitters 4,500
•1 bedroom 9,000
•2 bedroom 12,000
If you need assistance in identifying a vacant house for a small fee, feel free to contact me via WhatsApp. But first, read on.
Matatu fares
Fare from Maternity, Kasarani to TRM
Ksh. 20-30
Fare from Seasons/Equity Kasarani to TRM
Fare from Mirema Drive/Khetia’s Zimmerman to TRM
This is a 5-minute walk. Alternatively, take a Ksh. 20 matatu. Hakuna stage ya kumi. Or take a Ksh. 50 bodaboda then.
Fare from Lumumba Drive/TRM Drive to TRM
Walk to work, bwana. It’s just a few steps.
Places you’ll find affordable houses near TRM
Here are the nearest areas to TRM where you’ll find affordable houses.
Lumumba Drive in 2025: Affordable Houses, Business Ideas & What to Expect When You Relocate
Maternity, Kasarani in 2025: Affordable Houses, Business Ideas & What to Expect When You Relocate
Kasarani, Nairobi in 2025: Affordable Houses, Business Ideas & What to Expect When You Relocate
Mirema Drive in 2025: Affordable Houses, Business Ideas & What to Expect When You Relocate
Zimmerman in 2025: Affordable Houses, Business Ideas & What to Expect When You Relocate